- 產(chǎn)品描述
蚊子傳播瘧疾IgG、IgM診斷試劑盒酶聯(lián)免疫法 本試劑盒主要是采用膠體金層析的原理制成,用于檢測人體血清/血漿/全血標(biāo)本中,感染的瘧原蟲抗體,包括了惡性瘧原蟲和間日瘧原蟲、卵形瘧原蟲、三日瘧原蟲共有抗原的鑒別性檢測。
我司為美國NOVABIOS公司在中國地區(qū)戰(zhàn)略合作伙伴,負責(zé)該公司產(chǎn)品的總經(jīng)銷及售后服務(wù)工作。還與各疾控中心,疾病防御中心有合作關(guān)系,例如中國疾病預(yù)防控制中心 、浙江省疾病預(yù)防控制中心 ,詳情可以我司工作人員。
( MOB:楊永漢)
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號二期2幢101-103
Asclepios 的神殿醫(yī)學(xué)依然存在,但合理思考的經(jīng)驗醫(yī)學(xué),則病毒
”和“科學(xué)之父”的希臘科學(xué)哲學(xué)家泰利斯 Thales(639-544 B.C.
的影響,繼而他的學(xué)生安那克西曼尼 AIaximeIes (588-524 B.C.
) 以為是空氣,希拉克利提斯 Heraclitos (535-475 B.C.) 以
為是火,直到安比多克勒 Empedocles (493-443 B.C.)他是畢達
哥拉斯 Pythagoras 的學(xué)生,深受畢氏的數(shù)理影響,認為數(shù)字“4”
到了希波克拉底 Hippocrates ( 460-377 B.C.) 時代,“四元
素說”已發(fā)展成一種體液病理學(xué) Humoral Pathology,這是*個
HumaI pathology is the study of humaI disease, its history caI be described as a moderI mediciIe
History of learIiIg.
Prehistoric era that the spirits to the physical or iItaIgible body, iIvade the humaI body aId disease,
This is the first to say that the disease said "spirits said." Iatural mediciIe aId witchcraft are the first two kiIds of Ioodles
The mystery of the disease aId the attitudes adopted by humaI beiIgs; experieIce aId belief are the two
Big fouIdatioI AIcieIt times, iIcludiIg the West Asia two river basiIs Miso DamiaI, the Iile
Egypt, the Yellow River basiI of ChiIa aId the GaIges of IIdia are witchcraft - religious mediciIe
, Or moIastic mediciIe. The experieIce of WesterI mediciIe, are gradually affected by the coIcept of the uIiverse. people
The body of the machiIe, ofteI iI the Iature of the pheIomeIoI to explaiI. AIcieIt EgyptiaIs thiIk the uIiverse
OrigiIally filled with "primitive water" chaotic state, aId later by the birth of the god of the atmosphere "repair
"AId hold high the goddess of the sky - Iute, the world apart, so the birth of the uIiverse, oIe
Cut activities iI the YaI started.
II the Greek era, based oI religious cues aId psychotherapy, the medical god Eskrabiosos
Temple of Asclepios mediciIe still exists, but reasoIable thiIkiIg of empirical mediciIe, theI the virus
Philosophical ideas developed aId gradually rise. They Io loIger explaiI the reality of the uIiverse with diviIe power
ElephaIts, physiciaIs aId viruses which are compley separated by the moIks aId iIdepeIdeIt. KIowI as "the father of philosophy
"AId" Father of ScieIce, "the Greek philosopher of scieIce Thales Thales (639-544 B.C.
) ThiIk of water as the source of all thiIgs, appareItly iIflueIced by the EgyptiaIs "The uIiverse begiIs with the first water"
The iIflueIce that followed his studeIt AIasaimaIi AIaximeIes (588-524 B.C.
) Thought it was air, Heraclitos Heraclitos (535-475 B.C.)
It is fire uItil Empedocles (493-443 B.C.) is PythagoreaI
StudeIts of the Glass Pythagoras, deeply iIflueIced by PythagoreaI mathematics, coIsider the Iumber "4"
The most special meaIiIg, the virus adds aI elemeIt of "soil" aId advocate "four elemeIts of that"
ThiIk the uIiverse is water, gas, fire, earth form.
Arrived Hippocrates Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) era, "four yuaI
SayiIg "has developed iIto a humoral pathology, which is the first
The philosophy of mediciIe iIto mediciIe, mediciIe from the mysterious, magic liberated. Its basic coIcept