- 產品描述
我司同時有bzo - bar - coc - thc met - - opi - oxy - mdma - cfp - amp - xtc – bat多聯檢測卡(膠體金法)
我司還提供:登革熱,黃熱病,基肯孔熱,西尼羅河,立次克體,無形體,蜱蟲,恙蟲,錐蟲,利什曼原蟲,RK39, 漢坦病毒,乙腦,森林腦炎,寨卡病毒 ,H7N9 ,流感,霍亂,軍團菌,結核,諾如病毒,輪狀病毒,炭疽,O157,葡萄球菌 ,流行性出血熱,傷寒桿菌,志賀氏菌檢測試劑,!
mob: 楊 :
1, opium, also known as opium, commonly known as the big smoke, is the popcorn fruit in the emulsion out of drying condensation. due to different origin and was black or brown, bitter taste. raw opium after cooking and fermentation, can be made of refined opium, smoking a strong sweet smell. a smoker may feel dizzy, nauseated or having a headache on first-come-first-serve basis and become addictive after multiple ingestion.
2, morphine (morphine) is an alkaloid isolated from opium in the opium content of about 10%, colorless or white crystalline powder, with analgesic, hypnotic, cough, diarrhea and other effects, after taking the role of will have euphoria, more addictive than opium. prolonged use can cause mental disorders, delirium, and fantasy. excessive use can result in respiratory failure and death. it has historically been used as a psychotropic substance to abstain from opium, but was eventually classified as drug because of its side effects.
3, heroin
chemical name "diacetylmorphine", commonly known as white powder, which is made by the reaction of morphine and acetic anhydride, analgesic effect is 4-8 times that of morphine, has been widely used in medicine anesthesia analgesia, but addiction fast, very hard to quit. long-term use will destroy the immune function, and lead to heart, liver, kidney damage and other major organs. injecting can also spread aids and other diseases. it has historically been used as a psychotropic substance to abstain from morphine, but eventually became a drug because of its side effects. heroin, known as the king of the world's drugs, is one of the most important drugs currently monitored and banned in our country.
4, cannabis
sangke annual herb, divided into toxic cannabis and non-toxic cannabis. non-toxic cannabis stems, rods can be made into fibers, seeds can be squeezed oil. toxic cannabis mainly refers to the short, multi-branched indian cannabis. cannabis drugs mainly include marijuana, cannabis resin and hemp oil, the main active ingredient being thc. cannabis inhibits the central nervous system, anesthesia, euphoric pleasure after taking food, sometimes hallucinations and delusions, long-term consumption can cause mental disorders, slow thinking, and undermine the body's immune system.
5, pethidine
pethidine hydrochloride is a clinical application of synthetic analgesics, white crystalline powder, slightly bitter taste, odorless, its role and mechanism similar to morphine, but sedation, narcotic effect is small, only the equivalent of morphine of 1 / 10-1 / 8. long-term use can create dependency and is classified as strictly controlled narcotic drugs.
6, coca
coca is a tropical shrub that grows in the continental united states, southeastern asia and africa, most notably in south america. coca bush 1.5-3 meters high, the growth period of 30-40 years, picking coca leaves 3-4 times each year. coca leaf is an important material for the extraction of coca-like drugs. it was used by ancient indians to chew on a regular basis and was used to treat certain chronic diseases, but its poisoning effect was quickly scientifically confirmed. one of the most important alkaloids, cocaine, can be isolated from coca leaves.
7, cocaine (cocaine)
cocaine is a white crystalline alkaloid extracted from coca leaves, a potent central nervous system stimulant and a local anesthetic. can block the human nerve conduction, resulting in local anesthesia, and by stimulating the human brain to enhance the activity of chemical substances in the cerebral cortex, excitement of the central nervous system, showing emotions, hyperactivity, talkative, and sometimes aggressive tendencies, has a strong addictive.
in addition, there is codeine traditional drugs, that ting ting, dihydromorphine hydrochloride and so on.
4-Acetamidophenol | Estrone-3-sulfate | Oxolinic acid |
Acetophenetidin | Ethyl-p-aminobenzoate | Oxycodone |
N-Acetylprocainamide | Fenfluramine | Oxymetazoline |
Acetylsalicylic acid | Fenoprofen | Papaverine |
Aminopyrine | Furosemide | Penicillin-G |
Amitryptyline | Gentisic acid | Pentazocine |
Amobarbital | Hemoglobin | Pentobarbital |
Amoxicillin | Hydralazine | Perphenazine |
Ampicillin | Hydrochlorothiazide | Phencyclidine |
Ascorbic acid | Hydrocodone | Phenelzine |
Apomorphine | Hydrocortisone | Phenobarbital |
Aspartame | p-Hydroxyamphetamine | l-Phenylephrine |
Atropine | O-Hydroxyhippuric acid | b-Phenylethlamine |
Benzilic acid | p-Hydroxy-methamphetamine | Phenylpropanolamine |
Benzoic acid | Prednisolone | |
Benzoylecgonine | 3-Hydroxytyramine | Prednisone |
Benzphetamine | Ibuprofen | Procaine |
Bilirubin | Imipramine | Promazine |
Brompheniramine | (-) Isoproterenol | Promethazine |
Caffeine | Isoxsuprine | d,l-Propanolol |
Cannabidiol | Ketamine | d-Propoxyphene |
Cannabinol | Ketoprofen | d-Pseudoephedrine |
Chloralhydrate | Labetalol | Quinidine |
Chloramphenicol | Levorphanol | Quinine |
Chlordiazepoxide | Loperamide | Ranitidine |
Chlorothiazide | Maprotiline | Salicylic acid |
(±) Chlorpheniramine | Meperidine | Secobarbital |
Chlorpromazine | Meprobamate | Serotonin (5-Hydroxytyramine) |
Chlorquine | Methadone | |
Cholesterol | d-methamphetamine | Sulfamethazine |
Clomipramine | (l)-methamphetamine | Sulindac |
Clonidine | Methoxyphenamine | Temazepam |
Cocaine hydrochloride | 3,4-Methylenedioxyethyl-amphetamine | Tetracycline |
Codeine | Tetrahydrocortisone, 3 Acetate | |
Cortisone | (+) 3,4-Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine | |
(-) Cotinine | Tetrahydrocortisone 3 (b-D glucuronide) | |
Creatinine | Methylphenidate | |
Deoxycorticosterone | Morphine-3-b-D-glucuronide | Tetrahydrozoline |
Dextromethorphan | Thebaine | |
Diazepam | Nalidixic acid | Thiamine |
Diclofenac | Naloxone | Thioridazine |
Diflunisal | Naltrexone | Tolbutamine |
Digoxin | Naproxen | Triamterene |
Diphenhydramine | Niacinamide | Trifluoperazine |
Doxylamine | Nifedipine | Trimethoprim |
Ecgonine hydrochloride | Norcodein | Trimipramine |
Ecgonine methylester | Norethindrone | d,l-Tryptophan |
(IR,2S)-(-)-Ephedrine | d-Norpropoxyphene | Tyramine |
l-Ephedrine | Noscapine | d,l-Tyrosine |
(-) Y Ephedrine | d,l-Octopamine | Uric acid |
Erythromycin | Oxalic acid | Verapamil |
b-Estradiol | Oxazepam | Zomepirac |
產品名稱 | 規(guī)格 | 檢測違禁品類型 |
產品名稱 | 英文縮寫 | 檢測閥值 |
嗎啡檢測試劑盒 | MOP(OPI) | 300ng/ml |
mamp檢測試劑盒 | MAMP(MET) | 1000ng/ml |
K檢測試劑盒 | KET | 1000ng/ml |
Ecstasy檢測試劑盒 | MDMA | 500ng/ml |
cocaine檢測試劑盒 | COC | 300ng/ml |
hemp檢測試劑盒 | THC | 50ng/ml |
Amphetamine檢測試劑盒 | AMP | 1000ng/ml |
Benzene two nitrogen Zhuo檢測試劑盒 | BZO | 300ng/ml |
巴比妥檢測試劑盒 | BAR | 300ng/ml |
Methadone檢測試劑盒 | MTD | 300ng/ml |
w the test device, urine specimen, and/or controls to reach room temperature (15-30oC) prior to te
Before carrying out the test, you must read the instruction manual thoroughly before using this product and urine samples to return to room temperature (20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃). as the picture shows:
negative: the window should observe two ribbons. the presence of a test line (t line) indicates no presence of methyl amp; a control line (c line) appears to indicate that the kit system is working properly.
positive: only one ribbon appears on the control line (c line), and the absence of the test line (t line) indicates the presence of methyl amp in the sample. invalid: the control line (c line) does not appear. in any case, c line should be formed, c line does not appear that the test results are not sure, you should retry.
note: a very light ribbon on the test line (t line) indicates that the concentration of methyl amp in the urine is near the detection threshold of the kit. use a more precise and specific method to confirm this before making a positive result.
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【 市場部 】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州市清華科技園健新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)健啟路63號二期2幢101-103室